
Originally written on November 19, 2021

The Golden Road of Inspiration and Creativity✨

What is this journey? Who is leading the way? How do we navigate?
Wouldn’t we love to know…

Each day begins with inspiration… night fading, the stars with it, replaced by the rising sun of a new day …guiding us daily to be the leader, the follower… all of it.
Let the inspiration move your soul and respond. Create from this place, this moment, and it will lead you back to yourself.

This is where we find Truth…within ourselves; it does not comply, nor bend. We often turn our backs, as the truth is inconvenient, doesn’t make sense, and requires a different way of being….completely. Truth asks us to look at all of it, all of us….the shadow and the light; which is sometimes too much for a mind intoxicated with fear and distraction to bare. There is no place where we are going for this heavy baggage we drag behind, we must let go, which is a choice we are asked to make.

This is where our power lies, our gifts hide and creativity begins.

The beauty and grace in this moment, within ourselves, will lead and inspire us on this road forward, to peace, understanding and love.
Follow this road, be inspired, inspire those you meet on this journey, inspire their creativity for this is the key to healing ourselves, the collective, and the world.
This is enough, this is all we require… to inspire and be inspired; to empower and be empowered; to create, and co-create from this moment…with ourselves, each other and the universe.

This is the journey…