Cate was born and raised in the wide open spaces along the California Coastline.

Her ancestors before her carved this path and she continues to walk it. Growing up with wildlife and nature by her side she experienced the wisdom available here and has woven it into the fabric of her being. She is the descendent of a long line of pioneers, naturalists, self starters, and interpreters of the future… knowing how to prepare and respond, how to look ahead while remaining present.

She is a reflector in human design and is a powerful force of presence that guides you back to yourself and reason for being. She amplifies and catalyzes your gifts so that you may go out into the world more efficient and effective in what you have to offer. She sees, hears and witnesses people, bringing them back to themselves so they remember who they are, in a safe and supported environment.

Cate lives on 20 acres in Tumalo that she has gridded with 1600 pounds of selenite hand picked from a friend’s mine in New Mexico. The land supports Cate’s work, facilitating the activation that occurs in her presence. They work closely together. There is a labyrinth created by Cate and a world renowned labyrinth expert to facilitate this journey, an extraordinary mother tree for deep mediation, and hawks flying overhead calling you forward with encouragement.

She has an activation room with all means of sound, a copper pyramid filled with crystals which lies over a warm biomat, for the full experience. She has a healing ability that is subtle yet powerful, propelling you on your journey back to yourself.

This is an experience that is unique, powerful and life changing. She is a catalyst for the future, she sees it and feels it guiding you gently and effectively forward, leaving the old behind.

Want to hear about the MAGICK first hand? Read some beautiful testimonials below.

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