My Medicine Offerings

Free Connection

Let’s talk!  30 minute initial conversation

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Daily Dose

Work with me wherever you are over a period of two weeks

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Retreat Intensive

On site experience with me at my sacred home in Central OR 

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Raven’s Path

I help you walk your path through periodic soul guidig sessions.

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A light of lights, a healer among healers, a teacher of teachers and a clandestine shaman in the most subtle yet transformative ways. Cate is an uncanny ability to shift and transform any dynamic she resides. With a refined, diamond-like crystal quality she has the uncanny ability to see-truly see what is and also what lies beneath. She has a masterful gift of seeing our most hidden talents and capabilities and unites communities. She has an understanding of where and when to cast the sails to flow with the currents of change. Cates clairaudience casts a net of understanding as she listens intently yet vastly to the the messages the universe provides through the earth plane and yet to her, nothing is “by chance”. Her passion and childlike curiosity offer a palate that she can artfully and poetically puts words and practicality to the magical and mystical for this is her playground. Without playing her cards, all the while knowing that she is the Queen and we are all just sitting at her round table of life’s mastery.

Kjord D.

Job title

Cate is walking medicine. More than a reflector, she filters out all that a person presents to her, amplifies that which they might want to see, and compassionately beams that back to them. Light, shadow, fluff, meaningful – somehow sending back exactly what they need to see. It’s not a conscious action – but not passive either. We get to accept or reject that – and do what we will. This is an interactive process of us sending and she making medicine out of it. It’s a spiral process, going deeper with each exchange. With you, even silence is medicine because in that pause, we get to hear and see some important aspect of self calling for attention. This whole process is powerful medicine creating much greater self awareness in the connecting person. Not well met be some – but that’s telling too.

Hank Q.

Job title

Grounded and playful lessons abound with myriad life experiences that drip off her tongue with ease and relevance to provide vivid examples and reflecting back lessons learnings shareable wisdom Being with Cate feels so high vibration and joyful like we could solve the worlds problems if we hung out long enough. It’s like the Hiwon gets from a good hike, just the right amount of exercise or jumping on a trampoline or perhaps the way a dog must feel when it sticks its head outside a moving car.

Marisa H.

Job title

Cate is a connector that makes shit happen – creating community and environments where beings are heard, felt and held.

Kim P.

Job title

My experience staying with Cate was unexpectedly transformational. Serendipitous from the get go, my visit to the ranch brought both healing ❤️‍🩹 to my doggie as well as an unexpected shift for me.. Cate’s ranch is rich with moments of wonder and it reveals itself, more and more, as the days unfold. Somehow, during my time there, Cate’s ability to witness, reflect and to hold space, helped with shining a light on some of my own awareness and subconscious strategies, that were ready to come through and to be seen.

Natural beauty, filled with Light. Oh and the property is glorious too.. ;)) The only issue is that, you may not want to leave.

Lezaan R.

Wow so I met Cate just before the new year! At a retreat where I was at rock bottom! Close to suicide! I had just got divorced and lost everything that was important to me. I don’t know how to keep going! About a week later Cate reached out to me. I had just left my therapist and I still didn’t know what to do. I didn’t think life would ever get better! She called me and we talked for a few minutes and I said “ I need to see you in person “ so I went to her house and we talked for about 2 hours! Just her way with words and her soothing voice was so comforting! Then she fallowed up with me a few days later! She has all the tools that I needed to help me shed the old me. And gave me the confidence that I needed to help me grow into the person that I aspire to be! She held my hand for about a month. Each time we met she would give me the right advice. And more tools to help me just get through the day, then the week, month etc. She got me to think out of the box and a whole new way of looking at the world that I never knew was possible!

Then about a month into amazing Cate’s help, she sent me a text saying you got this from here.  “I opened the barn doors and let the horse out. It’s time for you to take the reins and run!” At the time I was in shock and didn’t know what I would do with out her. But she was right. My cup was full and I had all the tools that I needed. It was up to me to keep the fire burning! She gave me the tools and confidence that I needed to become the man that I have always wanted to be. But didn’t know how! She got me to do things that in a million years would have I ever thought that I would be going to – yoga and cold plunge in the Deschutes river in the middle of winter!

Cate showed me the way that I never would have been able to do on my own! Not with the old way of therapy! I will say that the first time I met her she said that “I’m going to give you the tools but you have to do the work for your self”. I’m here to say that 3 months later I’m living my best life and never knew it was possible to be this happy with my self! I call her amazing Cate! And she a lifetime friend that I would do anything for!
