


Originally written on October 3, 2021

As the river flows swiftly, the current takes me with it. I have learned to yield to her will, and go where she takes me. This is a journey not for weak of heart, I am asked to move with the flow, trust the direction and follow the way regardless of the obstacles ahead. I surrender to her, as she has her way with me, knowing I am safe in her presence. At times I question the direction, the cutting rocks rip my skin, and the current pulls me under, my breath no longer a choice. I have to trust the fall, knowing I will land safely in her soft embrace.

I find the calm waters serve me best now.



Originally written on September 21, 2021

The potential and possibility of these times is upon us.
When I think of what is possible, and the potential we have to create a world that resonates with all, I feel an expansion that knows no bounds, the excitement bursts my heart wide open, connecting me to all.
I look for others looking in this same direction, to see if they see what I see, to feel what I feel… they are few and far between. They seem to be looking in another direction, back the way we came. The colors, expansiveness, possibilities, abilities, beauty and love of what I can see is beyond anything my mind can grasp, I feel it deep within my soul, knowing this is the way.
So much is possible… yet we seem to be caught up in the details of the times and forget to look at what is possible and what is our divine potential.
Why are we looking back, when forward is the way?
It’s there, it’s always been there, all we need to do is reach out for it, embrace it and create it.
Why do we choose to get caught up in so many narratives, have so many opinions, looking at our brothers and sisters as the “other”… and then seeing ourselves.
What if this is a collective dream we came up with in order to propel us towards our real potential? The reason we are all here? To move forward and create from our heart, create from the beauty around us and within us.
No matter our opinion of these times, there is no known truth but the sovereignty of our own being, and our alignment with it. This is the only truth. Can we move forward from this place of truth and trust ourselves? Can we grasp what is being offered?
It’s forward, one step in front of the other. Trust and the step will be there, leading us toward a future we can only imagine in our wildest dreams.
There is so much potential, so much possibility when holding this magnificent vision.
So HOLD it I will, welcoming anyone willing to join me.



Originally written on September 15, 2021

Ahhh, Beauty’s Way. So soothing to the soul, the language of love we understand without the need to comprehend.
So simple, so perfect.
A gift with no words, no expectations; freely given, freely received, surrounding us in every moment. Beauty is limitless, abundant, extraordinary, unique – just like each of us. We are her, and she is us.
Beauty brings us back to ourselves, she is the present moment, all there is. We cannot separate ourselves from beauty, as hard as we may try, feeling disconnected and lost when we forget her presence. She is our constant companion from the moment our eyes open, to when they close and beyond. She never leaves us, we just forget to look. We forget to notice her in the details, the depths and the unseen.
Beauty brings with her Love, a constant companion, her Twin Flame. Each igniting the other, bringing fire into grace and back again. Beauty leads us to love, she reminds us why we are here, why we chose this journey. She reminds us to love, from our soul, from our depths, to follow her lead and trust the way.
Beauty’s way….to Love.
The simplicity of experiencing beauty, feeling her, the warmth in our soul, the radiance and inspiration she reveals… the awe.
This is where love resides. Within beauty’s breast, within her depth of being.


Beauty’s way is to love… embracing us in every moment.