


Originally posted January 17, 2023

This being, forged by life into the multifaceted diamond that she is,
comes with a gift that others desire so deeply they lose themselves within her brightness.
She loves so deeply…
Dancing with the energy that fuels her,
her brilliance ignites her soul…and those around her.
Holding her gift lightly she sprinkles it like fairy dust on all who come to her flame,
Willingly and with the abundance with which it was given to her.

This is her way, she knows not how else to be.
It is her nature, for she is nature… so connected to her source.
She ignites, transforms and activates all in her field.
Reminding those she touches who they are here to be, bringing them back to themselves.
Back to their inner fire, back to the source of who they are.
They remember.
And she is held in reverence…in the gilded cage.

She can not be owned, or held too tight.
Or locked away as the muse in the tower.
Her magic cannot be held.

She will not be the savior,
Though often mistaken as this.
She is grasped by those who feel they may drown without her,
Snuffing out her flame… they sink to the depths of their own shadow,
To be consumed in the darkness.

She is to be held lightly, with grace and allowance.
Needing the space and air to stoke her flame,
So that the world may see her brightness, and be warmed by her fire.
For she is the Crystalline Being bringing those back to their source so they can remember,
Back to their own brilliance, adding their flame to the bonfire we create together.




Originally Posted on January 20th, 2023

Here we are…we have landed.
Let the games begin!
The new frequency has arrived, weaving herself throughout our dream world
and landing into our hearts with such certainty.
She came in fits and starts…the static between radio frequencies.
The message was clear, then lost, and back again.
Filling us with an anticipation we have been waiting for.
It was not a given…we had to be ready.

This frequency asks us to stand in our power,
To show up in integrity, commitment and consistency.
To hold her with grace, yet wield her as a finely forged sword.
The time is now, we must take action and trust.
This frequency is relentless and persistent in her request.
She asks for ALL we are, and ALL we are here to be.
There is no place to hide.
Not anymore…

The energy now moves through us
It sets our soul on fire.
We are the energy, we hold the frequency.
Which gives us the power and strength to be who we are here to be.
Finding gratitude for all that we are and the stories that brought us here.

To gather in ways that support the vision,
Reconnecting with our soul family.
Holding them close.
Standing hand in hand, stepping forward with conviction, knowing we are the way.
We are a force that cannot be quelled.




Originally written on January 28, 2022

What does today bring. What is the message?

It starts with the most magnificent sky, the ice melting off the trees, the sun warming the earth.
The dogs asking to be fed, excited for a new day without pause… messages flowing in like sunlight.
I bask in these beginnings….again.
Each day is new, each day magic in it’s offerings, I am in awe of the gifts presented one after another.
The candles are lit, the sacred is renewed, ready for the day to reveal itself.
The surprise delights me, the magic unfolding effortlessly…
All I need to do is receive, witness and celebrate the magnificence of it all.



Originally written on January 27, 2022

When life gets messy how do we respond?
Do we contract, resist… fight the confusion?
Or do we embrace it for what it is, knowing it is a temporary state that in a matter of time we will move through.

How can we accept messy… dance with it, write about it, paint it into our paintings… or perhaps sing off tune in honor of it’s presence.
Can we allow messy into our lives unconditionally, embrace the contrast it offers and see the beauty in the mess?
Without the messiness, there is no order. Where there is order, inevitably it gets messy.
It is the contraction to the expansion, the yin with the yang, the light dancing with the dark.
We cannot have one without the other, embracing both, we find balance.



Originally written on January 1, 2022
Photo: Andy Best

Balance. Symmetry. Harmony. So prevalent in nature, so easy for her to express, she lives in the balance it is her nature.
We see it everywhere, the magnificence of it, proven over and over again that it is not only possible but truly the foundation of our existence.
Yet, we live in constant struggle to truly live in the balance, find harmony in our true nature, and actually create from this place.
When we are in balance, we can breath, our eyes open to the magnificence of the world that surrounds us, we can see. We become one with our world, with each other, we intuitively understand why we are here and find bliss in this moment.
It takes one thing, one small thing to throw that balance off and we forget….forget who we are, forget the magnificence of this world and why we are here.

Perhaps this contrast is the key. The key to the opportunity to see what we cannot see when we lose ourselves, when we are out of balance.
Perhaps the key of contrast can unlock the door back to peace, back to harmony within ourselves and our environment. Noticing we hold the key, and have the opportunity to unlock the door anytime, we can make the choice to come back to balance, back to ourselves.

It is our choice how we live in this world, we have the key, nature guides us and shows us how this is possible, if we open our eyes and use our senses. We have the opportunity to follow her lead, learn from her, honor her, be her.

We are nature, she is us, the opportunity is to find the balance with her in order to find the balance within.
We hold the key.



Originally written on January 19, 2022

How did we get here and where are we going?
It feels like a free fall never ending….the river taking us with her, all we can do is surrender to the flow.
Perhaps the strategy is to stay below the radar….ride the current smoothly, pass the trouble and chaos… keep our focus forward, while on the journey, letting the banks with their sticks, stones and eddies pass us by.
A journey to the great blue ocean where we all meet as one, creating anew.

Perhaps we are all riding these rapids, doing our best to survive in whatever way we can, keeping our heads above water, breathing …until she pulls us under…
Hoping to surface for another breath.

Maybe there is nowhere to go, nothing to do, just stay in the current and go where it takes us, then we will know when we arrive.
And, perhaps we will never know….maybe there is nothing to know… maybe we have arrived.
The journey is the destination.



Originally written on January 17, 2022

Nature holds the balance, she is the exemplar, she is the truth.

If we look closely she shows us how to live, how to be present, how to soak up the sun and rain…both necessary for survival.
How to live from one season to the next, transforming as needed , our roots hold us strong allowing us to grow… or sleep.
She teaches us how we are all connected, each a piece of the puzzle, all valuable and necessary.
She shows us balance, and the harmony that comes from that… the ease and grace of it all.
I watch her and listen for clues, how to be a better human, how to appreciate beauty in the small things… and the magnificent.
How to be.
How to find balance and wholeness and still appreciate all imperfections.
She teaches me about stillness and the peace it reveals.
She brings me back to myself over and over again showing me I am part of her and she is part of me.
We are one in the same, she is my teacher I am hers.
The instruction manual is right before our eyes, the examples of a balanced whole life and how to live it are right outside our door, waiting for us to see.



Originally written on November 20, 2021

What if there was a ring, a beautiful golden ring, we could slip on our finger seeing all that is before us… removing the filter we were born with.

I imagine what my senses would show me in this world of magic and remembrance. What if I could go back and remove the veil, what would I see…the colors, smells, visions, and sounds?

As I slip the magic ring on this is what I see…

The most vibrant, shimmering, colors, beyond anything I can imagine. As I look around I see the air, my breath, the wind swirling with sparkles and vibrant colors through my hair, the trees and grasses. I see the elementals going about their business connecting all life, with joy and purpose, weaving magic into everything that stands before me. I see the earth dragons fertilizing the soul with golden alchemy, and the unicorns embodying the rainbow light scattering it across the earth healing all. Above, the clouds form magical creatures moving across the sun soaked sky, animated and joyful as they change form, the wind pushing them to change shape.

The smell is intoxicating, I want to breath it all in, to the depths of my soul. It fills me completely, every cell of my body lighting me up like a Christmas tree, all the colors and brilliance to behold.
The sound of silence….permeates my soul, weaving magic through the fabric of my being, the nothingness is everything.
I feel shivers down my spine, an electricity that is so magnetic my body moves in ways I’ve never experienced. I take flight.
I feel everything… I am everything.

Every moment of this moment is extraordinary, filling my cup, filling my soul, wanting for nothing.

I slip the ring off my finger….the vision remains…and I remember.



Originally written on November 19, 2021

The Golden Road of Inspiration and Creativity✨

What is this journey? Who is leading the way? How do we navigate?
Wouldn’t we love to know…

Each day begins with inspiration… night fading, the stars with it, replaced by the rising sun of a new day …guiding us daily to be the leader, the follower… all of it.
Let the inspiration move your soul and respond. Create from this place, this moment, and it will lead you back to yourself.

This is where we find Truth…within ourselves; it does not comply, nor bend. We often turn our backs, as the truth is inconvenient, doesn’t make sense, and requires a different way of being….completely. Truth asks us to look at all of it, all of us….the shadow and the light; which is sometimes too much for a mind intoxicated with fear and distraction to bare. There is no place where we are going for this heavy baggage we drag behind, we must let go, which is a choice we are asked to make.

This is where our power lies, our gifts hide and creativity begins.

The beauty and grace in this moment, within ourselves, will lead and inspire us on this road forward, to peace, understanding and love.
Follow this road, be inspired, inspire those you meet on this journey, inspire their creativity for this is the key to healing ourselves, the collective, and the world.
This is enough, this is all we require… to inspire and be inspired; to empower and be empowered; to create, and co-create from this moment…with ourselves, each other and the universe.

This is the journey…



Originally written on October 30, 2021

The Lone Wolf having travelled miles of terrain, sits upon the mountain top in solitude. She takes in the view, observing the rugged landscape she has crossed to get where she rests now. The journey has been epic, challenging her to the depths of her being…hanging by a thread to the life she asked to witness. The Lone Wolf sits in this moment, reflecting, appreciating the brief respite she is given on this journey. She knows it is not over, but welcomes her breath.
She longs for her pack.
She has met many on this journey, they have come and gone like the clouds moving across the sky. Ever changing with the weather, terrain and the vibration she carries with her. She has been taught to focus on the horizon to keep her bearings, to hold the course and trust nature will protect her. She knows not where she is going, she just follows the instinct she was born with, knowing this is the way… the only way.
She longs for her pack.
She belongs to a pack, yet remains alone. She can hear them in the distance, like the beating of a drum, calling her home…
It is not the time.
Her pack has scattered like the wind on this long journey, each finding their place on this earth, holding the balance so she may be held during her transition. Each Wolf maintaining their position, in the eye of the storm, following their internal guidance system, trusting and knowing in the depth of their soul they will arrive…when the time is right.
In time the Lone Wolves will reunite, but for now they anchor the light, wherever they are and surrender to the solitude that is theirs, and theirs alone.